How to install: Boot in custom recovery and clean your SD:
-mounts and storage/mount USB storage
-delete folders: “android_secure”&”Android”&”DCIM\.thumbnails\”&”LOST.DIR”, there is more, depends on what apps using -wipe data/factory reset
-install zip from sdcard/choose zip from sdcard …
-reboot system now Note: On some versions I’m using apps in data/app folder (same location when download and install from Market or manual, from SD), so if you using Master Reset after flashing you loose that apps. Notes:
If you want to move aplications on SDCard (for example with Link2SD), do not use “Link dalvik-cache file” (moves .dex file to sdcard partition) option unless you are hanger for lots of apps, because this ROM already contains a script that moves dex files on cache partition. In this way we have optimum ocupations of internal space of phone.
But Cache patition is limited so if becomes full, just delete this file: “etc/init.d/77dalvik2cache”, reboot in recovery and make “wipe cache partition”. Disable Animated option of Zeam Laucher: “Menu/Preferances/Applications grid/Animated” for best responsed UI! ********************************************************************
Tips: Android use data/system/dropbox directory to store some log files but in time becomes bigger and in general we don’t need. So, how to stop system to write in that directory? Delete all files within dir and use an file explorer with root privilegies and set Permissions like this:
x 0 0
x 0 0
x 0 0 and Change owner to: Owner: 0-root
Group: 0-root ********************************************************************* Personal I prefer 17.02.2013 version, don’t need for locale or modded kernel and I think is better. Fromanya 22.02.13, testing version: Changelog:
- based on 327J-RU by @aleks
- kernel by @sergeyotro
- setCPU, flashlight, Holo Laucher etc, added
- My advice is to disable all animation options
- russian and english language only

Fromanya version 19.02.2013, testing version:
MD5: afdcbac3d20a1acf4cfabc105dc16176
Changelog: Added 2 languages (russian and romanian) but it’s not full translated ROM 

- presetted Laucher
– unicode font
- root exporer as system app
– changed wallpaper
– unicode font
- root exporer as system app
– changed wallpaper
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