Feb 17, 2012

[ROM] OptimusXperia 2.3.7 for Boston

OptimusXperia 2.3.7

Xperia Arc launcher
Complete Timescape 3D UI [ported]
((Screenshots below))
Stable version
Updated drivers
Removed AdBlocker [ It is injustice to the developers coz its a matter of bread for them ]
Modded version
I have just themed it …
Itz the basic CM7 Rom
with Timescape UI
Timescape widgets
Walkman™®© music player
SuperCharger RAM script
3G turbo charger
A completely new bootanimation from xperia X8
You ll notice the stability nd performance increment and it wont drop down as time passes coz the ROM will clear cache automatically after specific period of time…
absolutely No lag
I have used .35 kernel
Permanently removed the screen orientation problem

{[OC to 806 mhz with performance to solve it but it will eat a lot of battery]}
Rarely sometimes it shows SD card removed if you are using the ones of lower class and quality.

Supports Bluetooth any keyboard and mouse[unknown feature of CM7]

S2E for sdext apps configuration
Select any size of ur choice create and partition…
Supports ALL the kernels
Recovery CWM

12 hrs battery life on average usage at 600 mhz

If you find Any bugs …
Contact me on FB -

My e-mail– dipesh.ramnani@gmail.com
GTalk and Google +





Please fix the link. It seems to be not work anymore. Thanks!

KAUSTUBH said...

Link is dead plz update

wan said...

link not work...
mediafire please ...

Dipesh Ramnani said...

Someone on DroidSans uploaded it to mediafire thnx (:


napyaninja said...

only 12 hour battery life???????

Dipesh Ramnani said...

So you expect 100 hours from a CM7 :D
According to me 12 hrs is like heaven coz I have got two spare battries \m/

napyaninja said...

woah!!!my battery lasts to 120 hours after using wifi and music also in my motorola xt502 :)

Dipesh Ramnani said...

120 hrs???
Well keeping jokes apart...
Its my first attempt as a dev...
Included some scripts , edited build.prop nd added timescape apps with correct permission
Signed zip nd nb0 will be upsoon
I will now port some oder themes like touchwiz and Miui
But for now developing ICS from source
I have got that big DAtA for setting up my build environment

wan said...

how to install this rom......my laptop cannot open the file....i mean cant extract the file...!??

Suci Perwira Negara said...

thx so much...

Suci Perwira Negara said...

Big respect brother... if you want battery 120h, just turn off your phone ;p

Dipesh Ramnani said...

Nice one manh...
You should try that ninja..
You ll get a lot of battery life :D

Unknown said...

this ROM aint working for me....i'm not able to recover it on CWM ..!!
File not found error..

Dipesh Ramnani said...

Use latest recovery...
Those img files should be in
Sdcard>clockworkmod>backup>2012..(any folder)>(Those imgs should be here)

Latest recovery is compulsary

sameer said...

error during recovery in my spice mi300

sameer said...

i am using current recovery:

napyaninja said...

nice work man..thanks for your rom i like it...it would be nice if our boston could get miui roms............seriously guys why dont you believe me. my battery works upto 2days using cm7 ea7.2, and juice defender even if i would use wifi

napyaninja said...

if you dont believe see this ..http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/546/eav6batterystats04.png/

AMI said...

guys i have weird problem, my spice mi300 not showing mobile network it is always in airplane mode,i have flashed many roms but the problem is remain there,any solution?plz help

napyaninja said...

flash a cm7.nb0 rom....never appeared this problem to me

napyaninja said...

-no wifi problem
-no orientation problem
-no freezing(till now)
-system UI (awesome)
-battery stat (watching...)

overall best ROM for me till now due to fluidity and wifi

jeffrey said...

the downloaded file is corrupt i think so we cannot restore coz some files are missing... pls upload ur own backup guys... share it pls..

napyaninja said...

no just update the CWM recovery. i used CWM and successfully flashed rom

jeffrey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cipirix said...

napyaninja: after watching your screenshot i can see that you don't use wifi (only for a few minutes), no phone cals, nothing is that sim card active?

AMI said...

guys i have weird problem, my spice mi300 not showing mobile network it is always in airplane mode,i have flashed many roms but the problem is remain there,any solution?plz help

jeffrey said...

napyaninja: how do you update your CWM to

Kuba said...

please fix the link !

Badea Andrei Ovidiu said...

no signal problem ! any solutin for this rom ?

Badea Andrei Ovidiu said...

@kuba link for download---- www.mediafire.com/?75p15zlerlj6juz

Boitata said...

Nice release. Mind making nb0 file? Thanks

Unknown said...

any idea what kernel suits this ROM best? I'm using CMLeclair1.3 with Apps_2.6.29 kernel. any answer deeply apreciated.

Aditya said...

not able to install the ROM .. kindly provide the steps to install


godend said...

perfectly runing,recently no more problems,good rom

Dipesh Ramnani said...

Download the zip file
Extract it any where go inside it and u'll find a folder named clockworkmod inside that there is a folder named backup >> inside that there is a folder named" 2012 ..." (Some number which is actually a date on which I created a backup)... This folder contains the img files to be restored...
Paste this folder on SdCard>clockworkmod>backup>[{Paste that folder here}]
Go to CWM recovery

napyaninja said...

jeffrey: download http://www.mediafire.com/?qj763f940glkw4p and flash it to your phone. i flashed by using fastboot mode

Dipesh Ramnani said...

Working on such a highly themed MIUI now...
MIUI home launcher
MIUI bootanimation
MIUI theme
MIUI gallery
All new Bravia screen engine(Better than the one that LG Optimus users have ported)
As fluid as MIUI
SystemUI optimization
MIUI like status bar
New notification pull down bar
XLOUD sound engine
RAM optimizer

Base CM7


napyaninja said...

Also support for miui themes would be nice

raymond said...

bravia and xloud? wow! that's great

Arjunakk said...

whatsapp doesnt work on this rom. .but its great otherwise. .the .35 kernel seems to have the best performance , cant wait for the update for battery drain . .good job

wan said...

how to install the rom....
i cannot restore the rom..!!

Ratik said...

Looking forward to the MIUI Rom :D

AMI said...

guys i have weird problem, my spice mi300 not showing mobile network it is always in airplane mode,i have flashed many roms but the problem is remain there,any solution?plz help

AMI said...

Are there any other method of flashing rom other then sut/rut,my phone is not showing mobile network,it is always in airplane mode and not changing,also it is not saying no sim card deteted,i flashed many roms but no luck,anybody facing the same problem.

stev said...

tell me please how to install i dont understand by topics:D

luis leal said...

please post a new link, thanks ...

kasfex said...

Can you post the rom in .zip because it apeares an error when I try tu instal it.

sameer said...

napyaninja: what is a procedure for update CWM to for spice mi 300

Suci Perwira Negara said...

update cwm using terminal emu on cm7
command promp

flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img

napyaninja said...

sameer:as suci said and here is the link for recovery http://www.mediafire.com/?qj763f940glkw4p


I have tried this room.
Battery performance is not good. It automatically down to 40% just in 8 hours idle.

jeshty001 said...

Done Flashing but nothing happens :(
no changes. :(

raymond said...

here the link of recovery update it through recovery. (install zip from sdcard)..sorry wrong eanglish


raymond said...

waiting for your miui
sir can you put the kernel by fagulhas? fagulhas@ubuntu #194

隨手寫 said...

I installed OptimusXperia 2.3.7 ok.but cann't install whatsapp / viber / line on market. What's happen???

Anonymous said...

why I can't extract the .zip file using 7-zip.. it says 'unsupported compression method for..'..pls help.. thx. :)

隨手寫 said...

i extract it on my android phone.

tri said...

i update the CM but can install the zip... its aborted.. why? my device is journey...

tri said...

i update the CWM but i cant install the ROM.. its says instalation aborted.. why?? my device is journey... thank u..

Nikunj said...

no use :/ sum1 help...having the latest recovery and tride restoring it no use :(

jeffrey said...

those who have problem restoring::
download this file and extract to the root of sd card


go to terminal


flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img

and reboot to recovery


thnx for the help!! restoring it already... :D

jeffrey said...

theres something weird on my phone when im entering recovery mode... it is vibrating... someone experiencing it too>??

raymond said...

after you install the latest recovery through zip, you should advance> reboot to recovery, then restore the rom

godend said...

when i press the menu botton,but changed to keyboard popup,who know what happened.

tivac said...

just reboot

godend said...

thx,solved,thats right.

Stormy Boston said...

Hi, I flashed the CWM recovery, but it needs to open some files in som kinda directory... but it can't find it. Can someone help with unzipping the right file and putting it to the right directory? Thanx a lot!

Anonymous said...

I did the restore but and it says 'MD5 mismatch!'.. wth??

Stormy Boston said...


So! I made a backup from my current ROM, to discover the right directory of the backup files.

1. put that zip file to your SD card.
2. unzip it.
3. From (UNZIppED FOLDER)clockwork mod/backup/ copy the 2012-2- folder to sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/ HERE.
4.Reboot to recovery
5. restore.

U made it!

unfortunately After all I faced the "no signal" problem... I tried to make a master reset, but it still unsolved...

Ifa nyone have some solution for this issue, please tell share it with us!


Stormy Boston said...

the extracted backup flder contains the followed files:
boot. img

These files are needed to succesfully restore a ROM... They are on that folder...
U must lace it like this :
sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/2012-2- Files written below...

Note... I restored this ROM to phantom's ROM... and i have no signal... I'm not sure, but i think, that if I flash a CM7 nb0. and i restore this ROM this problem will be solved... BUT IT'S JUST MY opinion!!!

bboy23 said...

I rename every file as xxx.img and it's working on clockworkmod recovery

jeffrey said...

those who have problem restoring::

extract the backup file here:

2.) download this file its a recovery.img of and extract to the root of sd card

>>>> http://www.mediafire.com/?qj763f940glkw4p

3.)go to terminal

4.) type the ff:

flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img

5.) and reboot to recovery


the recovery.img should be so that it will restore the file... NOTE! dont rename those files or you'll get MD5 mismatch!! hope this help!!

Stormy Boston said...

Hi, JEFFREY! Everything is fine, hope everyone can do things right. I just have a problem: NO SOGNAL... Any ideas, my friend?

jeffrey said...

Hi Stormy!! try to install cm7 stable rom or mygingerbgaia 1.1.0 first before restoring...

Unknown said...

i can't install Whatsapp, Line

Anonymous said...

Jeffrey, what cm7 ver. you use before restoring??

Stormy Boston said...

Okay, Jeffrey! I'll try it! Thanx a lot! :)

AnNamir™ said...

The GUI is really interesting. BUT it not really stable, several time force close, also hanging and lagging.

Anonymous said...

agree with annamir™.. always fc and hanging.. auto reboot.. :(

AnNamir™ said...

I need to go back to CM7.0.2 which is very stable on my mi300.

sameer said...

The GUI is really interesting. BUT it not really stable, several time force close, also hanging and lagging.

zuckerburg said...

lagging and freezing must be caused by overclocking.
it is defaulted @ 320 - 800mhz
try lowering it.

AnNamir™ said...

I had lowered the cpu after done flashing to 600mhz.

Correction to my above post, I mean CM7.1_EAv7.2 is a very stable rom on my mi300, seriously no problem at all :)

ARUN said...

I installed this rom its working fine

jeffrey said...

@103787589673840626649 i flash mygingerb stable before restoring this rom...

for those who are experiencing FCs and hangs fix permissions... anyway its a really good rom..

Bhanu Chowdary said...

i faced severe and frequent hangs on MI 300. I am reverting to my previous stable CM 7.1

jeffrey said...

and guys... wipe dalvik cache and wipe data before restoring for better results

Anonymous said...

Always got message 'Google Talk authentication failed'. any solutions???

Srgrox said...

takes forever to get charged...Draining...But AWESOME look....I wish it was stable...tried everything...but Only Phantom suits my XT502...
Reverting back to it...

jeffrey said...

@Srgrox ...try to reset the battery stats...

terry said...

here what i do to flash it on mi300

-extract da file to sd root
-flash my mi300 using sut with cm7.0.2 nbo
-not entering rom after sut flash redirect to recovery
-update recovery using zip
-reboot recovery after update
-choose restore and restore to this rom
-after completed wipe dalvik cache and cache.
-choose turn off on recovery n master reset using 3 button combo
-wait till master reset done
-charge fully n callibrate battery
*additional* as .35 not really stable with oc, i change da kernel to .32.9 as i need oc.

anyway, really nice rom, smooth n no lag exp
as for 3d perf, not yet tested but as for video viewing, i would say 20% better than eav 7.2
da real prob is battery, but, solved as i buy another battery.

but i do throw away all non necessary apks from system.

Android said...

Nice ROM. Upgraded from SuperOSR-STBoston 2.2 (gingerbread 2.3.7). However unable to connect to Wifi with WPA2_PSK.

Anyone faced this issue? Any solution for this?

Will have to go back to SuperOSR if wifi doesnt work.

dkeys said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cipirix said...

Random restarts. :( looks ok but not stable on orange boston.

Kuba said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kevin Wang said...

The installment completes, the movement perfect ~ brand-new interface uses is very smooth!! Whether only some question ~ can the solution?? Because of the program compatible question, causes LINE as well as WhatsApp is unable on the mobile phone to install carries out the ~ screen to demonstrate " The application program has not installed " Is also is unable on Market to search for LINE, WhatsApp!! Will install LINE using the computer to prompt you This application program and your A688 Sony Ericsson Optimus Boston are not accommodating

OnniXx said...

jeffrey what did you meant with

4.) type the ff:

flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img

luis leal said...

very nice rom

very good work no lag at all

very dificult to instal

dont quit its a very good work

sameer said...


Kuba said...

Best ROM ever!!! Love it *-* It looks just awesome ... and the performance is much better than I thought ...very good work!

Kuba said...

Best ROM ever!!! Love it *-* It looks just awesome ... and the performance is much better than I thought ...very good work!

haikal kusai said...

works fine on my mi300.. good job!

haikal kusai said...

battery drain faster. only 12 hour on mi300 by using wifi, call, message.

manz said...

I cant install foursquare via market when using this ROM. Also cant install it via apk file. Is anyone having same problem?

KAKA20979 said...

i can't O.C over 600MHz??? also i loose my IMEI and the menu button replaced with keyboard (like if hold touch) and my master volume too, any solutions please !

AMI said...

my imei has changed does anybody no how to get back original imei

sameer said...

Any one can make nbO file for best results?

sameer said...

AMI: Flash with SUT LR

AMI said...

@sameer I have done it all but my original imei is not coming back. it showing different imei in which calling is not working.

jeffrey said...

@movies.. what i mean there was when you open terminal type this command:


flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img


jeffrey said...

i just try i experience cant connect to 3g.. =( but still a very good and stable rom

androiddylan said...

Insane ROM but beautiful. Battery life is retarded

jeffrey said...

is 3g working for you androiddylan?? im using cherry mobile NOVA too...

DANARKiN said...

Hey guys ! This Rom is awesome ! BUT I CAN'T DOWNLOAD ANYTHING FROM MARKET . 101 ERROR FTW!!!!

Andy said...

could someone please write a description for the installation? i dont know how to do it at all
thank you!

jeffrey said...

extract the backup file here:

2.) download this file its a recovery.img of and extract to the root of sd card

>>>> http://www.mediafire.com/?qj763f940glkw4p

3.)go to terminal

4.) type the ff:

flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img

5.) and reboot to recovery


wipe dalvik data and cache

androiddylan said...


3G works good but battery life sucks big time and a lot of unauthorized reboot.

jeffrey said...


the only problem i had was 3g not working... cant connect internet... no problem with batter and very stable for me...

Andy said...

thanks! what is the difference between cyanogenmod and this here? and what is better? because i have installed cyanogenmod now.

androiddylan said...


What is your network? Well this ROM is insane lots of FC so I think some of its parts will ok fine on others while it is the inverse for the others. So your headache is the 3G part.

androiddylan said...

@ Jeffrey

Have you tested the camera. It still has that Zoom in issue when its set to 5MP do you have any ideas on how to solve it?

nagz said...

hwy...i m getn an dat d files android_secure and sd-ext not found... any help u cn provide?

androiddylan said...

I also had that problem when installing this ROM

jeffrey said...


camera zoom is still not fix in this rom...


from which ROM you came before restoring to this rom? coz mine i used mygingerbreadgaia before this one..

nagz said...

umm..i was using..i mean i still do... gingercrust 2.3.7 .. cm7 based.. n nw as i saw ua thread of xperia mix...ws preety much excited.. buh..its nad workn'.. ? :/.. plzz hlp

jeffrey said...

@nagz try to install gingerbread gaia 1.1.0 first then follow the steps below.

extract the backup file here:

2.) download this file its a recovery.img of and extract to the root of sd card

>>>> http://www.mediafire.com/?qj763f940glkw4p

3.)go to terminal

4.) type the ff:

flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img

5.) and reboot to recovery


wipe dalvik data and cache

nagz said...

okieh..well thnx... i'l do wt u said...

nagz said...

my cell doesnt go in cwm nw!!!!it jz hangz sayn "enter cwm " nthn else after dat

nagz said...

hey man.. i installed d gingerbread gaia... n wn i typed awl dat recovery files location..it said recover failed with error...n cnt even open those image files...its corrupted..

nagz said...

well... it wrked.. sucessfully restored... gud news..netwrk wrkn.. bt hangs smtimes/.. shud i flash a new kernel or wat?? plzz reply..

nagz said...

for those who didnt gt netwrk.. or have netwrk prob... try maaking ua phone on airplane mode.. n then restrt.. again disable ua airplane mode.voila!! u gt ua netwrk.. 100% wrkn..it worked for me.. wb u guys??

nagz said...

guys.. need to mke dis rom stable..ri8??.. flash a new kernel..as this gr8 romm suports awl of em.. hrz d link..enjoy.. no probs on ma rom..wrks FLAWLESS. http://www.4shared.com/file/qGeDUGz9/Kernel_26329-EA_add_cleancache.html

ron said...

have really problem with network connectivity and its airplane mode.. can somebody help me with this... i switched back to superosr rom which is stable to my unit... CM roms really dont work to me..had problems with wifi and/or network connectivity...

wan said...

my phone won't overclock ..
every time i overclock it's freeze

Tommy said...

Crashes after I activate wifi.
Didn't check whether everything else is buggy, switch to my old rom righataway

Anonymous said...

my recovery mod doesnt started! HELPP

MiteshPC said...

Installation went smooth. Just installed CWM5 and then restored the system. Cleared cache, dalvik and battery stats.

It's definately smooth and impressive interface, but it crashed for me sooo many times, I went back to CyanogenMod-7_EAv7.2 http://boston-mania.blogspot.com/2011/12/rom-237-cyanogenmod-7-ea-v72-zip.html

Wahed said...

Unable to flash recovery... am i missing something... under terminal when i type su and hit enter it just stays there... when i give flash_image command it gives error -1 unable to flash recovery image

Catalin Rascov- ShiDesu Twelve said...

Please post the download link again, because no link from the comments are working

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